Foundations of AI and ML



Course materials



Automated Planning: The STRIPS Planning Formalism

The STRIPS Planning Formalism

Lecture slides are available here.

STRIPS Planning Formalism

What are properties of the STRIPS planning formalism in comparison to the other four formalisms?

STRIPS Planning Formalism

Consider the STRIPS planning task $\Pi = \langle V, I, G, A\rangle$ with binary variables $V = \{a,b,c,d,e\}$, initial state $I = \{a,c\}$, goal $G = \{a,e\}$, and operators $A = \{a_1,a_2,a_3,a_4\}$, where

  • $\mathit{pre}(a_1) = \{a,c\}$, $\mathit{add}(a_1) = \{b\}$, $\mathit{del}(a_1) = \{a,c\}$, $\mathit{cost}(a_1) = 2$
  • $\mathit{pre}(a_2) = \{c\}$, $\mathit{add}(a_2) = \{a,d\}$, $\mathit{del}(a_2) = \{\}$, $\mathit{cost}(a_2) = 4$
  • $\mathit{pre}(a_3) = \{b\}$, $\mathit{add}(a_3) = \{a,e\}$, $\mathit{del}(a_3) = \{\}$, $\mathit{cost}(a_3) = 5$
  • $\mathit{pre}(a_4) = \{d\}$, $\mathit{add}(a_4) = \{e\}$, $\mathit{del}(a_4) = \{c\}$, $\mathit{cost}(a_4) = 4$

What is the cost of an optimal plan for $\Pi$?

This webpage contains the course materials for the course TDDE56 Foundations of AI and Machine Learning.
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