Foundations of AI and ML
Course materials
Automated Planning: Planning Heuristics
Planning Heuristics
Lecture slides are available here.
What statements are true?
Delete Relaxation
Consider a Blocksworld STRIPS planning task $\Pi = \langle V, I, G, A\rangle$ where $V$ and $A$ is given as in the chapter on STRIPS, initial state $I$, and goal $G$ are as follows:
- $I = \{\textit{clear}_B, \textit{on}_{B,G}, \textit{on}_{G,R}, \textit{on-table}_R \}$
- $G = \{\textit{clear}_R, \textit{on}_{R,B}, \textit{on}_{B,G}, \textit{on-table}_G \}$
What is the heuristic estimate $h^+(I)$?
This webpage contains the course materials for the course TDDE56 Foundations of AI and Machine Learning.
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