Foundations of AI and ML



Course materials



State-Space Search: Best-First Graph Search

Best-First Graph Search

Lecture slides are available here.

Best-First Search - Example

You are given the state space shown below, where $A$ is the initial state, and $F$ and $I$ are goal states. The numbers on the edges indicate action costs.

state space
List the order in which $A^*$ search expands states until a solution is found; include initial and goal states. As heuristic, use the function that computes the length of a shortest path from the current state to a goal state. The heuristic is $\infty$ for unsolvable states. (Note: the length of a solution counts just the number of transitions that are taken, ignoring their cost)
The format of your answer should be as follows (no white spaces): A,C,D

This webpage contains the course materials for the course TDDE56 Foundations of AI and Machine Learning.
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